Register to play at the Paddle Tap Pickleball Tournament on Saturday, September 21 at 8 am at the Paseo Club. Spectators are welcome!

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The season of gratitude: words from the Paseo Club managers

October 9th, 2023 | 3 min. read

By Jen Azevedo

Stress can be overwhelming. Sometimes, it is impossible to get ahead. 

If it's not your work deadline that got missed or your child who cried the entire way to school in the morning, then it is the cavity you have yet to get the dentist to fill and the leaking water pipe in the basement.

It is simply a wonder how we can have a moment of peace.

This query has stumped scientists as well — until recently. Research now proves that expressing gratitude creates several emotional and physical benefits.

The Paseo Club is a community-centered social club in the Santa Clarita Valley that offers fitness, social, and spa services. As we enter the Season of Gratitude, we wanted to write an article for you to learn about the benefits of gratitude and what the Paseo Club managers are grateful for. Read on and enjoy!

Why express gratitude?

There have been several studies conducted about how feeling grateful affects people. Researchers have discovered many benefits.

  • Calms the nervous system
  • Increases a feeling of happiness
  • Improves cardiovascular and immune health
  • Increases resilience during challenging times
  • Improves the communication with loved ones
  • Strengthens family, friend, and community ties
  • Helps people to make healthier dietary choices

Feeling grateful is beneficial not just for healthy, well-adjusted individuals, but it is also for those who struggle with mental health issues. Practicing gratitude is for everyone.

What do the Managers at the Paseo Club feel grateful for? 

_DSC1564Jen Azevedo, General Manager

I am so grateful to live in a community where our families can live their best healthy, connected lives. I am grateful for amazing friends and family and an incredible school next door where my daughter can grow up. I am grateful for a team that loves their jobs the way I love mine, and I am grateful for our town where I can do all the things I love to do. 

_DSC1647Cezanne Youmazzo, Fitness Director

I am grateful to love what I do for a living. I am grateful for the love I feel for the people I work with. I am grateful to have a loving and supportive husband and family. I am grateful to have a healthy body and mind.


Melanie Vovk, Director of Group Exercise

I am grateful for my husband, three amazing kids, and two golden retrievers. I am so grateful to work with amazing people who inspire me to be better! I am so grateful to have recovered from all my surgeries and have a functional, healthy body so I can exercise again!  

_DSC1558Mike Verdi, Director of Food, Beverage, & Facilities

I am grateful for my wife and children. I am grateful to work with an incredible team of leaders and staff at the Paseo Club. 

_DSC1816Tara Russell, Events Director

I am most grateful for my loving family and friends. I’m grateful for another day of health and healing. I am grateful for the fall season giving us beautiful weather and all of the festivities the season will bring.


Tyler Shaffer, Pickleball Director 

I’m grateful for my family. I’m so blessed to have my sisters, nephews, and nieces live close to me. Watching them and being a part of their growth has been amazing for me.


Bridgette Barajas, Director of Kids Club

I am grateful for my home, job, education, and many other blessings I have received in my life. I am so thankful for my continued health, happiness, and confidence that I have grown more and more each year. But I am grateful for my loved ones who bring so much joy into my life most of all. 

_DSC1888Rene Heger, Tennis Director

I am grateful to the Paseo family for giving me an awesome opportunity to do what I love every day! I am thankful for my amazing wife and family and their strong support.  I’m also very grateful for my awesome team members. I do not take their efforts for granted.

Facetune_09-11-2020-02-41-26Lauren Guevara, Membership

I am grateful for my amazing friends, family, and coworkers, who are an incredible support system. I'm also so thankful for the beautiful home and community that I live in. Lastly, I'm appreciative of the health and safety of my loved ones.

What are you grateful for?

You can express gratitude by telling someone face-to-face, writing it down, or even saying it aloud to yourself. Families can create a dinner-time routine with their children by sharing their “thankful-gratefuls.” 

Whatever your method is, take time to pause and reflect and find one thing — or many — you are grateful for. You will feel better for it!

The more time you spend expressing gratitude, the greater the rewards are. But if you skip a day, that is ok too. The good feelings gratitude brings do not go away overnight. Being grateful has lasting effects. 

In this article, you learned the benefits of expressing gratitude and what the Paseo Club managers are grateful for. 

The Paseo Club is not just a fitness center. We are a community hub for people of all ages and backgrounds who care about health, fitness, and creating social connections.

We offer over 60 fitness classes each week, tennis and pickleball courts, and a junior Olympic pool. Members love to grab a smoothie at the cafe or join us for one of our many social or charity events throughout the season.

If you are looking for something to be grateful for, then the Paseo Club may be the place for you! Schedule a tour today to check out our facilities and meet staff and members. 

Jen Azevedo

Jen Azevedo is a tennis professional, pickleball professional, personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and the general manager of the Paseo Club. She loves the community at the Paseo Club and that it is also a safe and fun place for her daughter. Jen’s favorite activities are joining her tribe for trail races or her partners for tennis matches. Occasionally Jen slows down to relax with a book — she reads over 100 a year!