Adult Tennis Leagues

Check out the Paseo Club's leagues so you can involved in competitive tennis!

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Tennis Leagues

For more info on joining the USTA or Inner-Club Leagues, contact René Heger.

USTA Leagues

USTA League is the country’s largest adult competitive tennis league for players of all skill levels. 

  • 15 USTA teams each season
  • 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 players
  • Travel to local spots to compete
  • Men, women, and mixed doubles
  • Teams may go on to play at sectionals

    Winter Leagues are January 6 - February 22

    *Registration is open*

    • Tennis leagues are for Paseo Club members only

    • Leagues cost $35 per season per league

    • Register for the leagues using your smartphone

You must register with  Swish and be approved prior to joining a Paseo Club tennis league.
Sign up with Swish!

Inner-Club Leagues

Paseo has a variety of in-house leagues you can participate in. 

Ladies Wine League
Combine the best of both worlds by drinking wine and playing tennis. Doubles league. Level 3.0-4.0. When: Mondays 6 pm
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Mixed Doubles
Men and women gather for doubles league play. This league is designed for the player trying to get better. Level 3.5-4.0.
When: Tuesdays 6 pm
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Beer League
This ladder league competes for one winner at the end of each season. Doubles play. Hosted in conjunction with Wine Down Wednesday.
When: Wednesdays 6 pm
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Ladies Ladder League
This is a great place to meet other members and play doubles. Level 3.0-4.0.
When: Fridays 9 am
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Adult Starters League
This league is for graduates of the Adult Starter class. Level 2.5-2.9.
When: Sundays 11 am
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Ladies 4.0+ League
This is a ladder league for advanced play.
Wednesdays 10 am
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Open Level League
When: Fridays 4:30 pm
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“Beer League offers a welcoming and competitive environment. They are a fun way to meet friendly people, get in a workout, and improve your game.”

Robert Buszek | Paseo Club Member

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“Beer League offers a welcoming and competitive environment. They are a fun way to meet friendly people, get in a workout, and improve your game.”

Robert Buszek | Paseo Club Member

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