What’s up everybody?! My name is Cayden Dunn and I’m a personal trainer at The Paseo Club. I recently just got back from school up in Louisiana but now I’m back for good! Nothing excites me more than being back in the gym I grew up in and doing the thing that I love. I’m a 22 year old athlete whose whole life revolves around fitness and athletics and because of the way I was able to grow up, I’m a Division 1 athlete while pursuing a career in personal training.
On top of that, I’m just a health & fitness junkie in general. As a person who’s certified in the National Academy of Sports Medicine and also being an athlete, I specialize in many different areas in fitness. They include basic functional strength training, strength & conditioning, advanced lifting, stability & mobility for functional movement, stretching, and athletic training.
With the knowledge I have gained for over twenty years and through NASM, I am able to offer a variety of services that meet your specific needs. Whatever you want/need to do, let’s work it out! I revolve my personal training and interactions solely based on my clients’ needs & wants. Whether it be scheduling, how my clients want to do their sessions, duration of the sessions, pricing, etc.; I want to exceed my clients’ expectations and more. By being so involved in fitness, athletics, and health in general, it is my primary goal as a personal trainer that my clients reach their needs & wants plus more.
Fitness and athletics gave me a great life with great health and I want to see that translate to you as well! I am always out and about at the Paseo Club teachin
g classes, training clients, working out, or just having a good time! So if you have any questions about anything regarding the Paseo Club or personal training & classes, you can email me! My email is cayden@thepaseoclub.com; I have all forms of social media as well if you want some more information! I create content of all the workouts I personally do myself and with the clients that I have along with food content. My Instagram is @c1.dunn; Twitter: @DunnCayden; Facebook: Cayden Dunn; and TikTok: @c.dunn1
Now stop reading this and go be productive and active today! Book me for any type of training you want! I promise I will exceed your expectations and help you reach the peak of your physical health!
Cezanne Youmazzo has been the fitness director at the Paseo Club since 2013. She loves how much there is to do at the club — working out, playing tennis, getting a massage, relaxing by the pool, or having a cocktail. When she is not at work, you can find her at the beach on her paddle board or cuddling up with Franklin the cat and reading Harry Potter.